When boy Wei was just 4 months old, he got diagnosed with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect) heart. The hospital suggested to perform the surgery as soon as possible to save boy Wei’s life.
当男孩韦 4个月大的时候,被诊断出心脏室间隔缺损。医院建议马上手术来拯救他的生命。
Boy Wei’s family is from a small town Pingguo city in Guangxi province. Seven family members are living together. Boy Wei’s mother and grandparents are farmers and his father is a temporary worker with small income. Expense surgery bill is hard to be fully paid by their saving.
Hopeful Hearts is very happy to be able to support boy Wei with the funds donated by St. James’s Place. A huge thank you to St. James! We wish boy Wei a fast and successful recovery!
心的希望很高兴能用St. James’s Place捐赠的善款来支持男孩韦!万分感谢!我们祝愿男孩韦早日康复!