Case 21-07: Boy Chen 11y 男孩陈11岁

Boy Chen is 11 years old. During a regular check up in the school, Boy Chen was discovered heart defects VSD (ventricular septal defect), who needed a heart catheter. He was operated soon after the diagnosis. The operation was luckily successful.


Boy Chen’s family is from Zhanjiang City in Guangdong Province. His parents got divorced when he was still young. His mother has sole custody of Boy Chen. As his mother has a mental illness, he is raised by his grandparents and his uncle, who are all farmers with low income. Expensive surgery bill became a big financial burden to the family.


Hopeful Hearts is very happy to be able to support Boy Chen with the funds donated by Eugster Frismag. A huge thank you to Eugster Frismag! We wish Boy Chen a successful recovery!

心的希望很高兴能用Eugster Frismag捐助的资金来帮助男孩陈。衷心感谢Eugster Frismag!我们祝愿男孩陈早日痊愈!

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