Wang Yujia is a 4 year old little girl who had heart surgery after she was born. She has an 8 year old brother and a sister who is 6 years old. Wang Yujia’s parents and grandparents are from Guizhou Province and they have some land but the outcome from the land is little. Her father also works as a decorator but his monthly income is low. Wang Yujia’s mother takes care of the children at home and does not work.
At a routine check up it was discovered that Wang Yujia needs further surgery. The cost of this surgery is high and the family have borrowed some money locally and from family but they still do not have enough. They also have debts from the previous surgery four years ago.
We are very happy to be able to support this surgery with funds raised from the British Chamber of Commerce and Merchiston International School Shenzhen. Together we really make a difference and we thank all staff, studentsand parents at Merchiston International School, and The British Chamber of Commerce.
We wish Wang Yujia a successful surgery and a full recovery.