Case 1913: Guo Yingzi 1.5m baby girl 郭英姿1个半月女婴

Guo Yingzi was born in her parent’s home town in Hubei province. In the latter stages of the pregnancy heart problems were detected.


Guo Yingzi’s father now works in Panyu, Guangzhou taking care of properties for a landlord. Guo Yingzi is the second child, she has a 15 year old brother.


We are pleased to be able to support Guo Yingzi’s surgery with funds raised by Maarten Bijl during his recent Great Wall of China half marathon.

我们很高兴以Maarten Bijl先生在近期的长城马拉松跑活动的筹款来资助此病例。

Many thanks to Maarten for a great effort and everyone who sponsored and supported him. A one year supply of Pampers will be donated to this family. We thank Procter and Gamble for their support.


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