Case 19 – 04: Chen Changjin 24 days boy 陈昌锦24天男婴

Chen Changjin is the 2nd boy of triplets and he was born on the 24th March and at the time of writing this he was 24 days old.  All three of the babies were premature and the first baby boy requires specialist surgery and is currently hospitalized. 

陈昌锦是三胞胎中的老二, 他们出生于3月24号。三个宝宝均为早产,老大有会咽囊肿,住院中等待手术。

The third baby boy is healthy but Chen Changjin was born with a heart defect. He has been treated locally in their hometown in the north Guangdong Province. However he has been transferred by ambulance to Guangzhou for further emergency treatment which was expensive. Chen Changjin is currently in the ICU and on a respirator.

老三基本健康,但陈昌锦出生发现有先天心脏病,在清远老家治疗后由救护车转至广州进行进一步治疗。 在省妇幼行急诊手术后,现在ICU观察,未撤呼吸机。

The family really need our help to pay for the medical bills; the father is a driver and the mum before getting pregnant worked as a kindergarten teacher. Their monthly income is low and although they have some support from the mothers parents,  both grandparents from the fathers side have passed away.  This family have the pressure of the expense of the first surgery for the first baby boy as well.


We are pleased that we can support this surgery with help from our recent fundraising campaign with Alipay and The British School of Guangzhou.  We thank everyone who donated via Alipay and the staff parents and students of BSG.  A one year supply of Pampers will be donated via Procter and Gamble. 


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