Case 18: Wang Juan: a 3 day old baby boy 王娟婴3天大男婴

Wang Juan was born on 29 July and transferred to Panyu Children Hospital when serious heart defects were detected for him.


The Wang family is from Hengyang, Hunan province. Wang Juan’s father is an interior decorating contractor. He has 2 older sisters who are 6 and 7 years old and his mother is a housewife. The second girl required surgery when she was born.


The Wang family have raised a considerable amount of money, however there is a shortfall between the amount raised and the cost of surgery.


We are pleased to be able to support Wang Juan’s surgery with funds raised donated by the British School of Guangzhou. A huge thank you to the students, staff and parents for their continued support.


A one year supply of Pampers will be donated to this family. We thank Procter and Gamble for their support.


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