Case 20-18: Xie Lijun 8y boy 谢李俊 8岁男孩

Shortly after Xie Lijun was born he was found to have serious heart defects. The surgeons decided it would be best to operate when he was older. Now 8 years old, his heart problem was preventing him from going to school regularly and having a normal life. He was ad-mitted to hospital on 27th July and is now recovering from his life saving surgery.


Xie Lijun’s parents are originally from Sichuan Prov-ince , but now live in Donguan. The father is a garden-er with a low monthly income and his mother stays at home to care for Xie Lijun, their only child. Over the years all the family savings have been spent to keep Xie Lijun healthy and pay for his education. Since the family are from Sichuan Province, the health insurance will only cover 15% of the cost. The couple have managed to borrow half of the cost of the surgery, but are unable to find the remaining funds.


We are really pleased to be able to support the family and help pay for the surgery with funds generously donated to Hopeful Hearts by Eugster Frismag. We are gratefully for Eugster Frismag’s generous donation to help families in need such as Xie Lijun’s!

我们很高兴能接受到Eugster Frismag公司对谢李俊手术治疗的资助,感谢Eugster Frismag公司的慷慨捐赠!

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