Wei Qianfang is the youngest of 3 children in her family. Heart defects were diagnosed for her when she was 3 years old. Around that time he father died in an accident and there wasn’t enough money for her to have surgery. Her symptoms were relieved with medication.
During a recent checkup Wei Qianfang was found to have more heart problems, so she was admitted to hospital and surgery is recommended.
Wei Qianfang’s mother works as a waitress at a restaurant in Laibin, Gaungxi province as well as looking after her 3 children. She has borrowed nearly half the amount required for Wei Qianfang’s surgery, but even with a percentage covered by insurance, there is a significant amount outstanding.
We are very happy to be able to support the surgery with funds raised by the Dragons Business Club Netherlands. Hopeful Hearts were fortunate to be chosen to be the beneficiary of their annual Christmas charity event. A lucky draw and a silent auction at the event raised a large sum of money which was donated to the cause. We thank the Dragons Business Club so much for their fantastic support and generosity.
We wish Wei Qianfang a successful surgery and a full recovery.