Luo is a 1 month old girl and was diagnosed with a congenital heart disease, jaudice and pneumonia.
The family of three is from Wuzhou in Guangxi. Unfortunately the hospital in Guangxi was not able to perform surgery and the family had to travel to Guangzhous Women and Children’s Health Hospital. There they found out that Luo suffered from Ventricular Septal Defect and Pulmonary Hypertension and was transferred to ICU immediately.
The father works for a gemstone company and the mother is a staying at home mom. The family is not able to pay for the medical treatment and after care for their little baby.
Hopeful Hearts is so thankful to support this little girl with the funds donated by Keyfit. Thank you so much for your support Keyfit! And all the best for Luo’s future!
“心的希望”很高兴以Keyfit的捐款来资助本病历,感谢Keyfit, 也祝愿罗健康成长。